Age discrimination in a flower shop near Denver

Main Participant

Colorado agricultural workers (Anonymous)


Employees in a Flower Shop

Colorado County & Region

close to Denver, CO, north 1

Original Language



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00:00.000 --> 00:11.000

[Promotora] Hola, mi nombre es Kelly Pérez y soy promotora en el área norte 1 en Longmont. Esta es la historia de una pareja de agricultores. Ellos trabajan juntos en una florería en Denver.


00:12.000 --> 00:28.000

[Promotora] La esposa me cuenta que ellos trabajan en la agricultura porque su esposo está enfermo del corazón y de diabetes tipo 2.

[Promotora] Con lágrimas en los ojos, ella me dice que, en ese lugar, donde ellos trabajan, las personas que tienen más tiempo trabajando ahí los hacen sentir incompetentes para el trabajo.


00:29.000 --> 00:47.000

[Promotora] Porque ellos ya son mayores de 60 años, pero también, me cuenta que el salario que ellos ganan es de 12 dólares la hora.

[Promotora] Dice que es poco, pero ellos se conforman porque en otro lugar no les van a dar trabajo por su edad, sus enfermedades, el idioma y que aparte necesitan transportación.


00:48.000 --> 01:01.000

[Promotora] Dice que en el verano ellos trabajan muchas horas extras y se las pagan igual a 12 dólares. Y en el invierno, a veces los hacen ir al trabajo y cuando ellos llegan, les dicen que siempre no hay trabajo. Que se regresen a su casa.


01:02.000 --> 01:17.000

[Promotora] Ellos se sienten muy tristes y creen que eso es normal. No piensan que existe alguien que los pueda ayudar.

[Promotora] Después de hablar conmigo se veía la cara de ella, una sonrisa de esperanza y sus ojos brillaban con sus lágrimas.


01:17.500 --> 01:23.000

[Promotora] Ellos prefieren que sus nombres sean anónimos por miedo a quedarse sin trabajo, gracias.

Translation Language (if available)



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00:00.000 --> 00:11.000

[Promotora] Hello, my name is Kelly Pérez, and I am a promoter in northern area 1 in Longmont. This is the story of a couple of farmers. They work together at a flower shop in Denver.


00:12.000 --> 00:28.000

[Promotora] The wife tells me that they work in agriculture because her husband has heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

[Promotora] With tears in her eyes, she tells me that, in that place, where they work, the people who have worked there the longest make them feel incompetent for the job.


00:29.000 --> 00:47.000

[Promotora] Because they are already over 60 years old, but also, he tells me that the salary they earn is 12 dollars an hour.

[Promotora] He says that it is not enough, but they are satisfied, because in another place they will not be given work due to their age, their illnesses, the language and that they also need transportation.


00:48.000 --> 01:01.000

[Promotora] He says that in the summer they work a lot of overtime and are paid equal to 12 dollars. And in the winter, sometimes they make them go to work and when they arrive, they tell them that there is always no work. Let them go home.


01:02.000 --> 01:17.000

[Promotora] They feel very sad and believe that this is normal. They do not think that there is someone who can help them.

[Promotora] After talking to me you could see a hopeful smile on her face and her eyes shone with her tears.


01:17.500 --> 01:23.000

[Promotora] They prefer their names to be anonymous for fear of being out of work, thank you.


Age discrimination in a flower shop near Denver


Two married elder agricultural workers at a flower shop in Denver describe being mistreated at work. They are paid a low salary, do not get overtime pay, and are sometimes sent away with no work. They are unable to find work elsewhere due to age, health problems, and language barriers.


Kelly Perez




Penske McCormack




Kelly Perez, Age discrimination in a flower shop near Denver 2021-02-24. Esencial Colorado, accessed October 22, 2024,