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Adriana Carrazco N3 Story3.ogg
A young worker talks about bad treatment they have received, but that they are too young to work elsewhere.

IMG_5586 - Angel Angel.jpg
A thanksgiving meal with Western Slope agricultural workers.

Copy of A.Carrazco 02_16_2021   M.C-English.pdf
A Mexican agricultural worker in Northeast Colorado experiences injustices from the managers in the fields, which he explains is because the managers have papers and the workers do not. He describes the insecurity of the pandemic and fear of getting…

20201113_152254 - Adriana Carrazco.jpg

Adriana Carrazco N3 Story2.ogg
An agricultural worker's experience in Colorado. Includes topics of work hours, work conditions, and family. They also talk about how farmers do not value their work.

Farmworker Story(North2)_Marta Espinoza1.pdf
The experiences of a farmworker who worked in onion and vegetable farms and in a dairy farm taking care of cows. She describes reasons as to why she left her country and work conditions in Colorado agriculture.

Copy of A.Carrazco 02_17_2021   M.C- English.pdf
An anonymous agricultural worker in Morgan County discusses the the low pay, lack of meal breaks, and the reality of long work hours.

WhatsApp Video 2023-10-09 at 8.48.24 PM.mp4

WhatsApp Video 2023-09-11 at 6.20.18 PM.mp4
An annual festival at the end of the farm season to celebrate agricultural workers, held on the Western Slope!

WhatsApp Image 2023-10-09 at 8.48.46 PM.jpeg
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