Providing Supplies for Warehouse Workers in San Luis Valley

Main Participant

Anonymous Warehouse Workers


Valley Root Warehouse

Colorado County & Region

Mosca, CO Alamosa County, San Luis Valley, SLV, Valle de San Luis

Original Language



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This story comes from Lucia Gaspar, a promotora in the San Luis Valley region of Colorado. In early February, Lucia and other promotoras reached out to Valley Root Warehouse in Mosca, CO to ask what are the needs of their employees and to offer to help provide supplies to the agricultural workers. Lucia and the other promotoras were able to deliver bundles for thirty-two workers that contained 3 surgical masks, two N95 masks, and one washable mask. They also were able to give the warehouse four large bottles of hand sanitizer as well as four rolls of disinfectant wipes. The promotoras were also able to deliver food boxes for the workers whenever they had any available, which the employer was extremely grateful for.

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Esta historia viene de Lucia Gaspar, una promotora en la región del Valle de San Luis en Colorado. A principios de febrero, Lucía y otras promotoras se pusieron en contacto con el almacén Valley Root de Mosca (Colorado) para preguntar qué necesitaban sus empleados y ofrecerse a ayudar a proporcionar suministros a los trabajadores agrícolas. Lucia y las otras promotoras pudieron entregar paquetes para treinta y dos trabajadores que contenían 3 mascarillas quirúrgicas, dos mascarillas N95, y una mascarilla lavable. También pudieron entregar al almacén cuatro botellas grandes de desinfectante de manos, así como cuatro rollos de toallitas desinfectantes. Las promotoras también pudieron entregar cajas de comida para los trabajadores siempre que tenían alguna disponible, por lo que el empresario se mostró sumamente agradecido.

Archivist Notes

This story is based on data collected by Project Protect Promotora Network. ID: 14502


Providing Supplies for Warehouse Workers in San Luis Valley


Promotoras provide bundles of Covid-19 relief supplies and food boxes for workers in an Alamosa County warehouse.


Lucia Gaspar


February 2022


Delanee Taylor



Lucia Gaspar, Providing Supplies for Warehouse Workers in San Luis Valley February 2022. Esencial Colorado, accessed October 22, 2024,