Colorado Agricultural Workers Continue to Face Problems from Covid-19

Main Participant

Three Anonymous Agricultural Workers


Agricultural Workers

Colorado County & Region

Prowers County, Southeast

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In mid-January, pormotora Rebecca Castillo received a message from three agricultural workers in Prowers County. She had helped these workers before when they needed covid-19 rapid tests, which revealed two positive cases. This became a tricky situation since the one worker who tested negative needed to quarantine away from the two sick workers even though they lived together. After providing the rapid tests and explaining the importance of isolation, Rebecca advised the workers to stay hydrated, and she told them to call the hospital if they had any problems with their breathing. Lastly, she reminded them that they could call her anytime if they needed anything. The workers were so thankful for Rebecca’s help, and although they were still scared, they felt reassured that they would be okay. Later, Rebecca realized that the whole community needed better resources explaining what to do if they found themselves with covid-19, especially since many workers had managed to avoid it until this point and were unsure about how to react to a positive test.

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A mediados de enero, la pormotora Rebecca Castillo recibió un mensaje de tres trabajadores agrícolas del condado de Prowers. Ella había ayudado antes a estos trabajadores cuando necesitaron pruebas rápidas de covid-19, las cuales revelaron dos casos positivos. Esto se convirtió en una situación complicada, ya que el único trabajador que dio negativo necesitaba permanecer en cuarentena alejado de los dos trabajadores que se encontraban enfermos, aunque vivían juntos. Después de proporcionarles las pruebas rápidas y explicarles la importancia del aislamiento, Rebecca aconsejó a los trabajadores que se mantuvieran hidratados y les dijo que llamaran al hospital en caso de tener algún problema respiratorio. Por último, les recordó que podían llamarla en cualquier momento si necesitaban cualquier cosa. Los trabajadores estaban muy agradecidos por la ayuda de Rebecca y, aunque todavía estaban asustados, se sintieron reconfortados de que estarían bien. Posteriormente, Rebecca se dio cuenta de que toda la comunidad necesitaba mejores recursos que les explicaran qué hacer en caso de que se encontraran con el covid-19, especialmente porque muchos trabajadores habían logrado evitarlo hasta ese momento y no estaban seguros de cómo responder ante una prueba positiva.


Colorado Agricultural Workers Continue to Face Problems from Covid-19


As Covid-19 cases continued to occur throughout the state, one promotora was contacted by agricultural workers who needed help with accessing rapid test kits.


Rebecca Castillo


January 2022


Delanee Taylor



Rebecca Castillo, Colorado Agricultural Workers Continue to Face Problems from Covid-19 January 2022. Esencial Colorado, accessed October 22, 2024,