Working his whole life as an agriculture worker.

Main Participant



He worked in the fields pulling out weeds, corn, and packing the produce.

Colorado County & Region

Western slope, Delta County

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I started working with him in June, 2021 and started trying to get him into a nursing home in July 2021, as I could see he needed help with daily tasks.  A lady from the nursing home called adult protective services, hoping that would speed up the process. I called protective services to try to get them to look into his case and force it so that he could be taken into a nursing home and jump all the other stuff that they were asking and waiting on. Even the social worker from the hospital called and told protective services as well and tried helping us get him in the nursing home. We didn't get any luck until he got sick and ended up in the hospital, he was there for two weeks.  

He worked in the fields his whole life was born in December 1954, starting in Mexico when he was a little kid around seven years old. He never went to school or anything all he did was work his whole life.  He didn't know how to read or write, he barely knew how to write his name and it took him a long time. He came to the US when he was about 18 he said and started working in the field since, he worked in California for about two years. He would work mostly in the strawberries, he did work in a restaurant but he didn’t like being inside. Then he worked in Colorado most of his life . He's worked here in the Delta area pretty much since he was about 20 or so. He would work mostly picking corn, disweeding the onions and beans. He only had a cousin in Delta all his other family members live in Mexico. His wife had died 10 years ago of cancer. He had 3 sons and 2 daughters. The last time he went to see them in Mexico was in 2018. He wanted to go back to see them but that is when Covid-19 started.

He would be by himself most of the day because the other algaculture workers  would work all day until the evening. They worked for his cousin. I would take him to his appointments. He was still able to walk with his walker very slowly. I would have to help him in and out of the car. Then right after about  a week had passed he wasn't able to walk. I would have to help him to sit in his walker to get him in the car and out of the car. He always needed help getting in and out of the bathroom. I got him one of those portable toilets so he could have it right next to him. So he could just slide into it because it was really hard to get him to the bathroom. In the house it was almost impossible because it was too narrow. I would go to his house because he was always by himself.  I would try to take him food every time I would go, I would feed him because he couldn't even feed himself most of the time.

He got really sick in September, 2021 and had to go to the hospital, with his legs super swollen and his arms, his hands not being able to even move them in extreme pain, extremely dehydrated with malnutrition. He had a clot in his lungs so that's when they sent him directly from the hospital to a nursing home but the only nursing home we could get him into was a San Juan Living Center up in Montrose, which is about 30 miles from where he lived. The only reason they got him in was because he couldn’t be by himself. They sent him to rehab first, then they were able to transfer him into long-term care.

I would do video calling to his family in Mexico with my phone. When he started to get really sick and didn't have that much time to live. We would do video calling several times a week, almost every time I would go see him he would ask me to call them. He was super excited because he was able to see his new grandson who was four months at that time. He was able to talk and see his children and some of his grandkids. Even on the day he passed he had talked to them.  I  would be the only one that would go visit him and take him what he needed.  In his last week when he got really sick they would let me go visit three times a day.

He was Catholic and he was very sad because he wanted communion and he wanted the priest to give him Los Santos Oleos. I started to call all the churches to see who could go see him. I was very pleased with father Mark. He went as an emergency made everything he could to make it possible to go and do that for him. I was there with him at the time the father Mark went and gave him communion and Los Santos Oleos. It gave him a lot of inner peace and it was what he was requesting.

He passed away at the nursing home on January 11, 2022 at about 2:30 PM. I was with him up until about 1:10 that day, but I had to leave for an appointment. He got cremated, that's what he wanted because he didn't want all his money to be spent on funeral costs. He wanted his daughters to have the money he had saved up so they could start a business back in Mexico. I helped out with the paperwork and was the one that got his ashes and took them to his cousin that lived in Delta, Colorado to take them to Mexico to his family.

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Empecé a trabajar con él en junio de 2021 y empecé a tratar de ingresarlo en un asilo de ancianos en julio del 2021, porque pude ver que necesitaba ayuda con las tareas diarias.  Una señora del asilo de ancianos llamó a los servicios de protección de adultos, con la esperanza
de que aceleraran el proceso. Llamé a los servicios de protección para tratar que estudiaran su caso y lo agilizaran de manera que lo pudieran ingresar en una residencia de ancianos y a si poder adelantarse a todas las demás cosas que estaban pidiendo y esperando. Incluso el trabajador social del hospital llamó y les avisó también a los servicios de protección y nos trató de ayudar para que fuera aceptado en el asilo de ancianos. No tuvimos suerte alguna, hasta que enfermó y acabó en el hospital, estuvo allí por dos semanas. 

Trabajó en el campo toda su vida, nació en diciembre de 1954, empezó en México cuando era un niño de unos siete años. Nunca fue a la escuela ni nada, todo lo que hizo fue trabajar toda su vida. No sabia leer ni escribir, apenas sabia escribir su nombre, cosa que le tomo mucho tiempo. Dijo que vino a los EE.UU. cuando tenía unos 18 años y que empezó a trabajar en el campo desde entonces, trabajó en California como por unos dos años. Trabajaba sobre todo en las fresas, trabajó en un restaurante pero no le gustaba estar encerrado dentro. Después trabajó en Colorado la mayor parte de su vida. Ha trabajado aquí, en la zona del Delta, más o menos desde que tenía 20 años. Trabajaba sobre todo piscando maíz, desyerbando las cebollas y frijoles. Sólo tenía un primo en el Delta, todos los demás miembros de su familia viven en México. Su mujer había muerto hacía 10 años de cáncer. Él tuvo 3 hijos y 2 hijas. La última vez que fue a verlos a México fue en el 2018. Quería volver a verlos pero en ese momento empezó el Covid-19.

Estaba solo la mayor parte del día porque los demás trabajadores de la agricultura trabajaban todo el día hasta la noche. Trabajaban para su primo. Y lo llevaba a sus citas. Todavía podía caminar con su andador muy lentamente. Tenía que ayudarle a entrar y salir del auto.
Entonces, justo después de una semana, ya no podía caminar. Tenía que ayudarle a sentarse en su andador para meterlo y sacarlo del coche. Siempre necesitaba ayuda para entrar y salir del baño. Le compré uno de esos baños portátiles para que pudiera tenerlo a su lado. Así podía
deslizarse en el porque era muy difícil llevarlo al baño. En la casa era casi imposible porque era demasiado estrecho. Iba a su casa porque él siempre estaba solo. Cada vez que iba, intentaba llevarle comida, le daba de comer porque él no podía ni siquiera alimentarse la mayor parte del tiempo.

Se enfermó muchísimo en septiembre de 2021 y tuvo que ir al hospital, con las piernas súper hinchadas y los brazos, las manos no podía siquiera moverlas con un dolor extremo, extremadamente deshidratado y con desnutrición. Tenía un coágulo en los pulmones, así que entonces lo enviaron directamente del hospital a un asilo, pero el único asilo de ancianos en el que pudimos ingresarlo fue en el San Juan Living Center, en Montrose, que está como a unas 30 millas de donde vivía. La única razón por la que lo aceptaron fue porque no podía estar solo. Primero lo enviaron a rehabilitación y luego pudieron transferirlo a cuidados de tiempo prolongado.

Hacía video llamadas a su familia en México con mi  teléfono. Cuando empezó a estar muy enfermo y no le quedaba mucho tiempo de vida, hacíamos video llamadas varias veces a la semana, casi siempre que iba a visitarlo me pedía que los llamara. Estaba super emocionado porque pudo ver a su nuevo nieto, que en ese momento tenía cuatro meses. Pudo hablar y ver a sus hijos y a algunos de sus nietos. Incluso el día de su muerte había hablado con ellos.

Yo sería la única que iba a visitarle y a llevarle lo que necesitaba. En su última semana, cuando se puso muy enfermo, me dejaban ir a visitarle tres veces al día. Era católico y estaba muy triste porque quería comulgar y quería que el sacerdote le diera Los Santos Oleos. Empecé a llamar a todas las iglesias para ver quién podía ir a verlo. Quedé muy satisfecha con el padre Mark. Fue, como era una emergencia hizo todo lo posible para poder ir y hacer eso por él. Yo estaba allí con él en el momento en que el padre Mark fue y le dio la comunión y Los Santos Oleos. Esto le dio mucha paz interior y eso era lo que estaba pidiendo.

Falleció en el asilo de ancianos el 11 de enero de 2022 alrededor de las 2:30 PM. Estuve con él hasta aproximadamente la 1:10 de ese día, pero me tuve que marchar a una cita. Fue cremado, eso era lo que deseaba porque no quería que todo su dinero se gastara en gastos funerarios. Quería que sus hijas tuvieran el dinero que había ahorrado para que pudieran empezar un negocio en México. Ayudé con el papeleo y fui la que recogió sus cenizas y se las llevó a su primo que vivía en Delta, Colorado para que se las llevara a sus familiares en México.


Working his whole life as an agriculture worker.


He worked his whole life as an agriculture worker. He need to get help with daily activity.


Brenda Tanori




Kassandra Neiss



Brenda Tanori

, Working his whole life as an agriculture worker. 01/11/2022

. Esencial Colorado, accessed October 22, 2024,