He has been working here for 7 years and says he likes it very much even though he works long hours, his salary is good

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Colorado County & Region

Kit Carson, Northeast Colorado

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Las dos fotosson del Señor Ricardo Perez. El trabaja con Hard Way Farms King en Cope, Colorado. El vive en Burlington y trabaja en las tierras que el patrón tiene alrededor de Burlington. El shop se encuentra en la County Road 56 donde tienen su herramienta para trabajar y sus animales. Con el platique de nuestro programa, Project Protect, y de las diferentes maneras que les podemos ayudar a él y a su familia. Él está casado y tiene dos hijos. El señor Perez tiene 7 años trabajando en este lugar y dice que le gusta mucho aunque trabaja muchísimas horas, su sueldo es bueno. El horario que trabajo es 6AM hasta las 10-11PM cuando hay mucho trabajo (casi nomas en el verano). Aunque le gusta mucho su trabajo, él dice que se está haciendo viejo y no puede trabajar así siempre porque se está sintiendo cansado. El sabe que porque no tiene papeles, no tiene otra opción más que seguir trabajando. Regresar a México no es una opción porque lo dejamos todo para seguir el sueño Americano, hay mucha violencia allá y sus hijos y están aquí. El, como toda la gente aquí, suena que se haga una amnistía migratoria para poder arreglar su residencia pero hasta que esto pase, nosotros estamos aquí para informarles que tienen derechos, pueden recibir ayudas y nosotros estamos unidos con ellos para ayudarles. Gracias al programa Project Protect que hace posible llegar a estas personas que no saben de las ayudas y servicios que pueden recibir especialmente ahora con la pandemia del COVID. Mucha gente se sintió perdida pero nosotros les dimos la información sobre doctores, vacunas y pruebas de COVID.

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He has been working here for 7 years and says he likes it very much even though he works long hours, his salary is good

The two photos are of Mr. Ricardo Perez. He works with Hard Way Farms King in Cope, Colorado. He lives in Burlington and works on the employer's land around Burlington. The shop is located on County Road 56 where they have their tools and animals. I talked to him about our program, Project Protect, and the different ways we can help him and his family. He is married and has two children. Mr. Perez has been working at this place for 7 years and says he likes it very much even though he works very long hours, his pay is good. The hours he works are 6AM until 10-11PM when it gets busy (almost always in the summer). Although he likes his job very much, he says he is getting old and can't work like this all the time because he is getting tired. He knows that because he has no papers, he has no choice but to keep working. Going back to Mexico is not an option because we left everything to follow the American dream, there is a lot of violence there and his children are here. He, like all the people here, is hoping for an immigration amnesty in order to fix his residency, but until that happens, we are here to inform them that they have rights, they can receive help and we are united with them to help them. Thanks to the Project Protect program that makes it possible to reach out to these people who don't know about the help and services they can receive especially now with the COVID pandemic. Many people felt lost but we gave them information about doctors, vaccines and COVID testing.


He has been working here for 7 years and says he likes it very much even though he works long hours, his salary is good


Photos from a promotora outreach to agricultural workers.


María López


Septiembre 2022


Kassandra Neiss



María López, He has been working here for 7 years and says he likes it very much even though he works long hours, his salary is good Septiembre 2022. Esencial Colorado, accessed October 22, 2024, http://esencialcolorado.org/items/show/134