"I always had my goals clear, I wanted to stand out, not settle, be a good co-worker"


Sr. M, Manager de Mantenimiento de lechería


Erendira Leal


Maintenance manager at a dairy

Colorado County & Region

Weld County

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Greeley, CO July 5th, 2021


Entrevista con el Sr. M, Manager de Mantenimiento de una lechería .


Sr. M nació en Tijuana, Baja California, México. Estudió en la escuela primaria, desde chico estudiaba y trabajaba para ayudar a su familia: sus padres y nueve hermanos. En Tijuana tomó un curso de electricidad, trabajó en una fábrica y haciendo trabajos de mantenimiento en diferentes partes. Formó su propia familia y tiene un hijo de 19 años que terminó la High School.


Tenía que mantener una familia, trabajar mucho con poco salario. Me decidí a venir para los Estados Unidos ya grande, como de 40 años. Cruzó por el cerro a California y fue difícil. Después, sus tíos le ayudaron a venir a Colorado y consiguió trabajo en la lechería de Weld, pero vive en Greeley. Empezó haciendo de todo: limpieza, cambiando mangueras, plomería, etc. Nunca dijo que no y El Manager General “Chico” como todos lo conocen lo ayudó, no ha trabajado directamente con las vacas en el campo. “Chico” le dio la oportunidad de hacer trabajos de mantenimiento de fábrica, pues él conocía de electricidad y mantenimiento. Lo hizo por 3 o 4 meses y luego le “soltaron” la responsabilidad de tomar decisiones. Se redujeron los gastos de mantenimiento, cuidando las bombas, cuidando la protección contra bacterias con limpieza e higiene.


Siempre tuve claras mis metas, quise sobresalir, no conformarme, ser buen compañero de trabajo, ser buen ejemplo de un trabajador y persona. Junto con “Chico y con Don Roque” hemos hecho un buen equipo. Me han ofrecido trabajo en otras empresas, y no he aceptado; porque yo pienso que, si la empresa me ha tratado bien, me han dado oportunidad de progresar, yo debo ser leal a la empresa. Ellos aprecian el trabajo de nosotros los mexicanos, si uno trabaja bien, con responsabilidad y lealtad, recibe mucho, por ejemplo, me pagan la renta y tengo mi salario, trabajo en la lechería desde hace 14 años. Personalmente ha sido difícil separarme de mi familia, ellos están en California, tengo ganas de verlos, es duro estar separado de ellos. Tengo muchas ganas de seguir estudiando. Quisiera aprender más, estar bien capacitado. Seguir las metas que siempre he tenido: salir adelante, sobresalir y seguir siendo buen trabajador y compañero.

Sr. M


Erendira Leal Promotora PPPN2

Translation Language (if available)



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Greeley, CO July 5th, 2021

Interview with Mr. M, Maintenance Manager of a Dairy in Weld County. 

Mr. M was born in Tijuana, Baja California, México. He studied in elementary school. Since he was a child he studied and worked to help his family: his parents and nine siblings. In Tijuana he took a course on electricity, he worked in a factory and did maintenance jobs in different areas. He formed his own family and has a 19 yr old son who completed High School. 

He crossed through the hills into California, it was difficult. Afterwards, his uncles helped him come to Colorado and he obtained work at the dairy in Weld, but he lives in Greeley. He started doing everything: cleaning, changing hoses, plumbing, etc. He never said no and the General Manager “Chico” as everyone calls him, helped him. He hasn’t worked directly with the cows in the field. “Chico” gave him the opportunity to do maintenance jobs in the factory since he knew about maintenance and electrical work. He did that for 3 or 4 months and then they “released” him into the responsibility of making decisions. Maintenance costs were reduced by taking care of pumps, caring for the protection against bacterias with cleanliness and hygiene. 

"I had a family to support, a lot of work for little pay. I decided to come to the United States when I was about 40 years old."

"I always had my goals clear. I wanted to excel, not conform, be a good co-worker, be a good example of a worker and a person. Together with “Chico and Don Roque” we have formed a good team. I have been offered work at other companies and not accepted because I believe that if the company has treated me good, has given me the opportunity to progress, I should be loyal to the company. They appreciate the work of us Mexicans. If we work well, with responsibility and loyalty, you receive a lot. For example, they pay my rent and I have my salary. I’ve worked at the dairy in Weld for the last 14 years. 

Personally it has been difficult to distance myself from my family. They are in California. I am looking forward to seeing them. It is hard being separated from them. I am eager to continue studying. I would like to learn more, be well trained. Continue the goals that I’ve alway had: get ahead, stand out and continue to be a good worker and partner."


"I always had my goals clear, I wanted to stand out, not settle, be a good co-worker"


Entrevista con el Manager de Mantenimiento de Johnson / Johnson Dairy. Describe su meta en la vida, en el trabajo y para su familia.


Erendira Leal


July 5, 2021


Kassandra Neiss



Erendira Leal, "I always had my goals clear, I wanted to stand out, not settle, be a good co-worker" July 5, 2021. Esencial Colorado, accessed October 22, 2024, http://esencialcolorado.org/items/show/53