"It is not what they expected, they stay strong for their children"

Main Participant

Colorado agricultural worker (Anonymous)


slaughterhouse worker, sheep

Colorado County & Region

Ault, Greely, Northeast, Weld County

Original Language



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La señora Maria A. vive en Greeley, Co., pero trabaja en una de las granjas de borregos del área de Eaton y Ault. Es una mujer de mediana edad (40). Tiene trabajando en estas granjas por más de 4 años. Antes trabajó limpiando casas, pero le daban cualquier cosa por el pago y no siempre era seguro, no la llamaban. Se movió de casa y ahí conoció a una vecina que la invitó a trabajar en las borregueras. Ella tiene carro y me lleva y me trae a mi casa. Es mejor que donde estaba por el dinero y el transporte. Pagamos el gas entre todos.

 Las dificultades para venir desde México, cruzar caminando, muchos abusos y el engaño de todo tipo. A los que aguantan muchas veces los dejan tirados cerca de algún pueblo o granja. Ellos muchas veces por su propia cuenta tratan de llegar al lugar donde quieren ir. Los despojan de dinero y documentos y ya no pueden comunicarse con nadie. Aunque ya han pagado al coyote para que los deje donde acordaron, muchas veces no es así. Luego abusan de las mujeres y las obligan a prostituirse, las golpean o no les dan de comer y pasan frío o calor extremos. 

[PROMOTORA] Unas cosas sobre ellos me di cuenta:

El sufrimiento, el dolor y la impotencia que sienten de alcanzar los planes que tenían. La frustración y amargura porque vieron sus vidas truncadas. No es lo que esperaban, se aguantan por los hijos. Esta señora habla con mucha tristeza, como si no tuviera ninguna esperanza de un cambio de vida. 

No quiso decir cuánto le pagan por hora, nada de su trabajo.

Un detalle: No es el mejor trabajo, pero aquí se siente acompañada, menos sola

Un detalle: Ella fue abusada y no quiere hablar más del tema. Siente que no hay justicia para ella.

[PROMOTORA] Le pregunté “Que has probado, y ella me dijo

Nada, tuvo muchas dificultades desde que salió de su pueblo en 1998. No quiso denunciar por miedo y porque no conocía al pollero con el que la dejaron al cruzar. Sin papeles, amenazada y forzada a trabajar en el campo, limpiando, cocinando. Además, quedó embarazada de ese hombre, tuvo un niño y después se escapó con otras 2 mujeres. Logró llegar a Colorado donde la esperaría una comadre suya del mismo pueblo. No la encontró y trabajó en el campo, en el repollo, betabel, todo eso. Luego se vino a Greeley a trabajar en la matanza pero le pedían dinero para entrar y conseguirle papeles. No tenía dinero ni casa, ni carro y por eso limpio casas y luego en las borregas. Se junto con un hombre que le pagaba donde vivir y tuvo otro niño y una niña. Todos sus hijos van a la escuela.

Lo que les gustaría que sucediera: Ella espera que sus hijos tengan mejor vida que la que han tenido hasta ahora.

[PROMOTORA] Le pregunté “Qué es lo que necesita,” y ella me dijo

Quisiera tener mejor trabajo.

[PROMOTORA] Le pregunté “¿Quiere permanecer en anonimato o quiere que demos su nombre?” y ella me dijo,

No quiero dar mi nombre, a nadie le interesa.

[PROMOTORA] Señora Maria, gracias por su tiempo y por compartir su historia conmigo. Sé lo difícil que es para usted. No se preocupe, nadie usará esto para comentarlo más adelante. Le dejo mi tel para que se comunique conmigo si puedo ayudarla en algo. Nuevamente gracias.

Translation Language (if available)



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Mrs. Maria A. lives in Greeley, Co., but works on one of the Eaton and Ault area sheep farms. She is a middle-aged woman (40). He has been working on these farms for more than 4 years. Before, she worked cleaning houses, but they didn't pay her well and it wasn't always a secure job sometimes, they didn't call her for work. She moved homes and there she met a neighbor who invited her to work in the sheep farms. She has a car and she gives me a ride from my home to work and back. It's better than where she was working before, for the money and the transportation. We split the gas.

The difficulties to come from Mexico, to cross on foot, there is much abuse and deception of all kinds. Those who endure are often left stranded near some town or farm. They often try to get to where they want to go on their own. They are robbed of money and documents and can no longer communicate with anyone. Although they have already paid the coyote to leave them where they agreed, many times this is not the case. They then abuse the women and force them into prostitution, beat them or do not feed them, and experience extreme heat or cold. 

[PROMOTORA] Some things I noticed about the worker:

The suffering, pain and helplessness they feel to achieve the plans they had. The frustration and bitterness because they saw their lives cut short. It is not what they expected, they stay strong for their children. This lady speaks very sadly, as if she has no hope of a different life. 

She did not want to say how much they pay her per hour, did not want to talk about work.

A detail: It is not the best job, but here she feels accompanied, less alone.

A detail: She was abused and does not want to talk about it anymore. She feels there is no justice for her.

[PROMOTORA] I asked “What have you tried?”, and she told me

Nothing, she had many difficulties since she left her town in 1998. She did not want to report it out of fear and because she did not know the poultry farm that they left her with when crossing. She was without papers, threatened and forced to work in the fields, cleaning, cooking. In addition, she became pregnant with a man, had a child and later he ran away with 2 other women. She managed to get to Colorado where a friend of hers from the same town would wait for her. She did not find her friend and she began to work in the fields, in cabbage, beets, all that. Then she came to Greeley to work in the slaughterhouses but they asked her for money to start and get her papers. She had no money, no house, no car, so she cleaned houses and then began working at sheep farms. She got together with a man who paid the rent and had another boy and a girl. All her children go to school.

What they would like to see happen: She hopes her children will have a better life than she has had so far.

[PROMOTORA] I asked, “What do you need”, and she told me,

I wish I had a better job.

[PROMOTORA] I asked “Do you want to remain anonymous or do you want us to give your name?” and she told me,

I don't want to give my name, nobody cares.

PROMOTORA] Mrs. Maria, thank you for your time and for sharing your story with me. I know how difficult this is for you. Don't worry, no one will use this to comment on later. I leave you my phone number so that you can contact me if I can help you in something. Thank you again.


"It is not what they expected, they stay strong for their children"


A difficult story of pain and abuse in both work and immigration experience.


Erendira Leal


February 7, 2021


Kassandra Neiss



Erendira Leal, "It is not what they expected, they stay strong for their children" February 7, 2021. Esencial Colorado, accessed October 22, 2024, http://esencialcolorado.org/items/show/51