"She has the willpower and hope that she will continue working"

Main Participant

Maria S.


agricultural worker, onions and carrots

Colorado County & Region

Weld County, North Region 2

Original Language



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La sra Maria tiene 65 años, aun trabaja activamente en la cosecha de cebolla y zanahoria. La sra María trabaja una temporada en un lugar y otra temporada en otro estado, migra constantemente persiguiendo su trabajo. Ella cuenta que estaba este verano cultivando cebolla cuando al jalar el vegetal se resbaló hacia atrás y cayó de espaldas, golpeándose duramente la cadera. Lo cual le imposibilito poder volver a caminar e incluso enderezarse o ponerse de pie. Desafortunadamente la sra Maria no recibió ayuda por parte de su capataz, ni mucho menos del dueño de la empresa. Esto le causó tristeza pero al mismo tiempo incertidumbre, pues no quería perder su trabajo. La sra Maria no sabe leer ni escribir, y aunque es residente legal y cuenta con permiso oficial de trabajo, no quiso molestar al patrón quejándose o pidiendo ayuda para ir al doctor, por miedo a perder su trabajo, ya que su edad y condición analfabeta la hace más difícil encontrar nuevo trabajo. La sra pasó un mes sin poder caminar,sentarse o dormir sin dolor, con facilidad uno podía ver la inflamación y un bulto endurecido que se asomaba al final de su columna vertebral, haciendo más dolorosa la situación de la inocente ciudadana.
La sra Socorro pagó por sus rayos X y visitas al doctor sin mejora alguna, ella comenta los doctores no le dieron prescripción alguna de analgesico o desinflamatorio que le ayudase con el intenso dolor. Después de un mes y medio decidió forzarse a sí misma para regresar a trabajar a los cultivos y así poder tener ingresos, ya que sin haber trabajado un mes por aquel accidente, y sin apoyo alguno, la sra Socorro temía que la desalojaran y se quedara sin comer. Fue hasta que contactó a las promotoras que consiguió mejorar sus situación, tanto física como económica, ya que auxiliada por las promotoras consiguió ayuda para ambas necesidades. La sra Socorro regresaba a los cultivos trabajando poco a poco esforzándose por cumplir su jornada cuando cayó desmayada. Perdiendo el equilibrio nuevamente cayó en los cultivos ardiendo en fiebre. Nadie supo qué hacer, y sin querer meterse en problemas solo fue auxiliada para recostarse a un lado de estos cultivos sin sombra alguna. Horas después se encontraba empeorando. Por la tarde una promotora le llevó al doctor, al descubrir la sra Socorro seguía ardiendo en fiebre y con vomito. Esa noche fue hospitalizada, con signos obvios de deshidratación y con un vómito severo, la sra Maria sintió que su suerte se tornaba oscura. Como ella dice ahora si no le estaba yendo nada bien. Con pesimismo veía ahora su futuro. La sra Soco se considera una persona sana, fuerte, grande de edad pero aún capaz de trabajar en los cultivos, con un tono muscular visiblemente fuerte fuera de la media para su edad.
Ella tiene fuerza de voluntad y esperanza de poder seguir trabajando hasta lograr retirarse y así después poder descansar dedicándose a trabajar en su casa o cuidando sus nietos. Maria tiene fe en que su condición mejorará, lentamente se esfuerza por sanar, mejorando su cuidado dentro de lo que sus limitaciones económicas le permiten. La sra Maria tiene gratitud por haber encontrado personas en su camino que le han ayudado a mejorar su situación porque ellas dejan de hacer sus cosas y le dedican tiempo, invierten tiempo en conseguir ayuda para ella.

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Maria is 65 years old and is still actively harvesting onions and carrots. Maria works one season in one place and another season in another state, migrating constantly pursuing her jobs. She says that she was cultivating onions this summer when she pulled the vegetable and slipped backwards and fell on her back, hitting her hip hard. That made it impossible for her to walk and even straighten up or stand up. Unfortunately Maria did not receive any help from her foreman much less from the owner of the enterprise. This caused her to be sad but at the same time uncertain since she did not want to lose her job. Maria does not know how to read nor write, and although she is a legal resident and has official permission to work, she did not want to bother her boss or ask for help to go to the doctor for fear of losing her job since her age and illiteracy makes it harder for her to find a new job. Maria spent a month without being able to walk, sit, or sleep without pain, easily one could see inflammation and a hardened lump peeking out at the end of her spine, making the situation for the innocent citizen more painful.
Mrs. Socorro paid for her X-rays and visits to the doctor and she commented that her doctors did not give her any prescriptions of analgesic or anti-inflammatory that would help her with the intense pain. After a month and a half she decided to force herself to return to harvest and thus be able to have some income, since she had not worked for a month since the accident and without any support, Maria feared that she would be evicted and she would not be able to afford food. It was not until she contacted the Promotoras that she was able to get physical and economic aid that would help her. Mrs. Socorro returned to harvesting and forced herself little by little to finish her day when she fainted. Once again she lost her balance and fell on the harvest with a running fever. No one knew what to do and without wanting to get into trouble she was only assisted to recline on the side of the crops without shade. Hours later, she found her condition worsening. By the afternoon, a Promotora took her to a doctor, only to discover that Mrs. Socorro still had a burning fever and was vomiting. That night, she was hospitalized, with obvious signs of dehydration and with severe vomiting Mrs. Socorro considered herself as a healthy and strong person and despite her age as someone that was still capable of working in the harvest and has visibly strong muscle tone out of the average for her age.
She has the willpower and hope that she will continue working until she can retire and can dedicate time to rest and take care of her home or watch her grandchildren. Maria has faith that her condition will improve, slowly striving to heal, improving her care within what her economic limitations allow. Maria is grateful that she found people in her path that have helped her improve her situation because they stop doing their own things to help her, they invest time to get her the help she needs.

Archivist Notes

Additional information was provided by Promotoras Soraya Leon and Ana Schultz:

Even though she has not yet recovered from her fall and she can barely walk, she continues to work so that she can earn money to pay her rent. A community organizer went to visit her after she did not answer their phone calls for various days. She was throwing up with fever and was taken to the hospital. She has stayed overnight at the hospital for low potassium. The social worker does not help them with the application for medications and told the agricultural worker that they could not give her a discount and she had to pay the hospital and oxygen bill. She was released from the hospital the next day and was taken to her home by Dorothy. The agricultural worker does not know her rights and does not want to take any legal action despite the fact that the employer did not give her any compensation for her accident.


"She has the willpower and hope that she will continue working"


This story describes a worker who had an accident at a farm and the type of help she received from Promotoras.


Soraya Leon




Quisi Rodriguez-Oregel



Soraya Leon, "She has the willpower and hope that she will continue working" 2021-10-13. Esencial Colorado, accessed October 22, 2024, http://esencialcolorado.org/items/show/35