"He has to continue fighting day by day for the sustenance of his family"
Main Participant
Colorado agricultural worker (Anonymous)Occupation
Vegetable planting and processingColorado County & Region
Brighton area, Adams County, North region 1Original Language
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00:00.000 --> 00:18.000
[Promotora] Buenas tardes, mi nombre es Claudia Chávez, soy promotora del área norte 1.
[Promotora] Esta historia es de un agricultor que tiene 10 años trabajando en este rancho que se llama ***** y se encuentra en las orillas de Brighton Colorado.
00:19.000 --> 00:50.000
[Promotora] El agricultor me compartió que lo que hacen durante el verano, es que siembran varias diversidades de vegetales y trabajan largas jornadas los 7 días de la semana.
[Promotora] El salario de ellos es de 12 dólares por hora y no les pagan tiempo extra. Durante el verano necesita ahorrar dinero para sobrevivir el invierno, que es cuando se desposea el trabajo.
00:52.000 --> 01:31.000
[Promotora] En el invierno trabajan dentro de la bodega seleccionando, limpiando y empacando los vegetales. Y los envían a las tiendas y restaurantes.
[Promotora] Este tiempo de pandemia, ha bajado aún más las horas de trabajo. Porque es muy poco el producto que venden, por ejemplo: antes de la pandemia, si mandaban un camión pequeño - ahora son 3 arpillas o costales las que envían.
01:32.200 --> 02:00.000
[Promotora] Entonces esto ha afectado su salario y estos últimos meses han ganado 900 dólares en un mes. Y es con lo cual necesita cubrir sus bilés de renta, comida y demás necesidades.
[Promotora] Aparte de que necesitan un salario justo, otras necesidades es el servicio médico.
02:01.000 --> 02:25.000
[Promotora] Él me compartió que ha estado lastimado de su hombro por trabajar tantas horas con el azadón y aún así, sigue trabajando con el dolor.
[Promotora] Algo que yo observé al escucharlo, fueron al ver sus manos secas y agrietadas.
02:25.500 --> 02:55.000
[Promotora] Su rostro cansado, con su mirada baja. Por un momento, él permaneció callado y pensativo.
[Promotora] Pero al terminar dijo que tiene que seguir luchando día con día por el sustento de su familia.
[Promotora] Este agricultor decidió permanecer ánimo. Muchas gracias
00:00.000 --> 00:18.000
[Promotora] Buenas tardes, mi nombre es Claudia Chávez, soy promotora del área norte 1.
[Promotora] Esta historia es de un agricultor que tiene 10 años trabajando en este rancho que se llama ***** y se encuentra en las orillas de Brighton Colorado.
00:19.000 --> 00:50.000
[Promotora] El agricultor me compartió que lo que hacen durante el verano, es que siembran varias diversidades de vegetales y trabajan largas jornadas los 7 días de la semana.
[Promotora] El salario de ellos es de 12 dólares por hora y no les pagan tiempo extra. Durante el verano necesita ahorrar dinero para sobrevivir el invierno, que es cuando se desposea el trabajo.
00:52.000 --> 01:31.000
[Promotora] En el invierno trabajan dentro de la bodega seleccionando, limpiando y empacando los vegetales. Y los envían a las tiendas y restaurantes.
[Promotora] Este tiempo de pandemia, ha bajado aún más las horas de trabajo. Porque es muy poco el producto que venden, por ejemplo: antes de la pandemia, si mandaban un camión pequeño - ahora son 3 arpillas o costales las que envían.
01:32.200 --> 02:00.000
[Promotora] Entonces esto ha afectado su salario y estos últimos meses han ganado 900 dólares en un mes. Y es con lo cual necesita cubrir sus bilés de renta, comida y demás necesidades.
[Promotora] Aparte de que necesitan un salario justo, otras necesidades es el servicio médico.
02:01.000 --> 02:25.000
[Promotora] Él me compartió que ha estado lastimado de su hombro por trabajar tantas horas con el azadón y aún así, sigue trabajando con el dolor.
[Promotora] Algo que yo observé al escucharlo, fueron al ver sus manos secas y agrietadas.
02:25.500 --> 02:55.000
[Promotora] Su rostro cansado, con su mirada baja. Por un momento, él permaneció callado y pensativo.
[Promotora] Pero al terminar dijo que tiene que seguir luchando día con día por el sustento de su familia.
[Promotora] Este agricultor decidió permanecer ánimo. Muchas gracias
Translation Language (if available)
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00:00.000 --> 00:18.000
[Promotora] Good afternoon, my name is Claudia Chávez, I am a promoter of the Northern Area 1.
[Promotora] This story is from a farmer who has been working on this ranch called ***** for 10 years and is located on the shores of Brighton Colorado.
00:19.000 --> 00:50.000
[Promotora] The farmer shared with me that what they do during the summer is that they plant various varieties of vegetables and work long hours 7 days a week.
[Promotora] Their salary is $12 an hour and they are not paid overtime. During the summer you need to save money to survive the winter, which is when work is divested.
00:52.000 --> 01:31.000
[Promotora] In the winter they work inside the winery selecting, cleaning, and packing the vegetables. And they send them to stores and restaurants.
[Promotora] This time of pandemic has further lowered working hours. Because the product they sell is very little, for example: before the pandemic, they would send a small truck - now there are 3 sackcloths or sacks that are sent.
01:32.200 --> 02:00.000
[Promotora] So this has affected their salary and in recent months they have earned $900 in a month. And it is with which you need to cover your income, food and other needs.
[Promotora] Apart from needing a fair salary, other needs are medical service.
02:01.000 --> 02:25.000
[Promotora] He shared with me that he has been hurting his shoulder from working so many hours with the hoe and still he continues to work with the pain.
[Promotora] Something that I observed when listening to him, was when I saw his dry and cracked hands.
02:25.500 --> 02:55.000
[Promotora] His tired face, his gaze lowered. For a moment, he was quiet and thoughtful.
[Promotora] But when he finished, he said that he has to continue fighting day by day for the sustenance of his family.
[Promotora] This farmer decided to remain anonymous. Thank you!
00:00.000 --> 00:18.000
[Promotora] Good afternoon, my name is Claudia Chávez, I am a promoter of the Northern Area 1.
[Promotora] This story is from a farmer who has been working on this ranch called ***** for 10 years and is located on the shores of Brighton Colorado.
00:19.000 --> 00:50.000
[Promotora] The farmer shared with me that what they do during the summer is that they plant various varieties of vegetables and work long hours 7 days a week.
[Promotora] Their salary is $12 an hour and they are not paid overtime. During the summer you need to save money to survive the winter, which is when work is divested.
00:52.000 --> 01:31.000
[Promotora] In the winter they work inside the winery selecting, cleaning, and packing the vegetables. And they send them to stores and restaurants.
[Promotora] This time of pandemic has further lowered working hours. Because the product they sell is very little, for example: before the pandemic, they would send a small truck - now there are 3 sackcloths or sacks that are sent.
01:32.200 --> 02:00.000
[Promotora] So this has affected their salary and in recent months they have earned $900 in a month. And it is with which you need to cover your income, food and other needs.
[Promotora] Apart from needing a fair salary, other needs are medical service.
02:01.000 --> 02:25.000
[Promotora] He shared with me that he has been hurting his shoulder from working so many hours with the hoe and still he continues to work with the pain.
[Promotora] Something that I observed when listening to him, was when I saw his dry and cracked hands.
02:25.500 --> 02:55.000
[Promotora] His tired face, his gaze lowered. For a moment, he was quiet and thoughtful.
[Promotora] But when he finished, he said that he has to continue fighting day by day for the sustenance of his family.
[Promotora] This farmer decided to remain anonymous. Thank you!
"He has to continue fighting day by day for the sustenance of his family"
The promotora recounts the testimony of a Northern Colorado farmworker, who describes how the pandemic has lowered hours and income, as well as how long hours of difficult labor have caused health problems. He asks for fair pay and medical services.
Claudia Chavez
Penske McCormack
Claudia Chavez, "He has to continue fighting day by day for the sustenance of his family" 2021-02-15. Esencial Colorado, accessed September 10, 2024, http://esencialcolorado.org/items/show/23